Tuesday, August 18, 2009

14 Weeks

This picture was taken 2 weeks ago but I never got around to posting it. I am now 16 weeks and look basically the same but this was taken at 14 weeks. I am constantly reminded of how "big I am." Thanks family. I'm sticking with the story that I am short and have no torso so the baby has nowhere to go but out, as I have read online several places. It makes sense. Considering I have LOST a ton of weight, not put on any, I can't say it's weight gain that is making me big. I don't really like these pregnancy pictures because I always look like I'm sick, and my boobs look weird in them. Boobs is a funny word. So anyway here is the 14 week baby bump:

I went to the doctor today for my physical exam, since I had yet to have any sort of appointment that actually did anything besides talk to me or ask "are you sick? are you puking?" After today I would rather have those talking appointments. Nothing like stripping down and having an old man all up in my goodies. How do they just look at you and try to carry on a normal conversation while they're doing that?! I mean hello sir, that is my boob you are squeezing, can I please just stare at the ceiling in embarrassed silence or do we really need to discuss your childhoood? You are old enough to be my grandpa. Oh great, now I just imagined my grandpa in this situation. Awkward. And one other thing. Warning: If you don't like female reproductive words or want to know my personal biznass, stop reading. So to recap: strip down, old man doctor, legs in stirrups...you know the drill. Wait, I'm sorry, did you just ask me if I wanted to see my own cervix?! As in, the inside of my yayhoo?? Um...no thank you. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. That is one thing I never need to see. DO WOMEN REALLY DO THAT?!

Ok, enough about my lovely appointment. I just thought it was an interesting start to the day. Women with babies: Have you had any weird situations like that? Do you feel as uncomfortable at these appointments as I do? Hit me up with your stories, I really want to know.

Sidenote: I really do like my doctor. He's fab. But really...my cervix???


Celeste said...

Hi Erica! I just found your blog :) Im so happy that you are pregnant...I am too! Congrats girl!

allie said...

Oh my goodness! Well that is a weird question. But I have no problem with that female junk cause of the miscarriage. Everytime I went the to ER and to the doctor I felt I should be walking in naked. I knew thats what would end up happening. Seriously I have been exposed to so SO many doctors. It's scary. Thankgoodness I like the doc I have and know I can call him instead of going to the ER if something happened. I had a crappy doc the first go-round. You should have said "NO, but I would like to see my baby.please.thanks!" To be honest I dont understad why women are so afraid of the annual exam. the pap test really isn't that bad. Cant wait to hear what you are having I should find out two weeks after you! :o)

Nancy Face said...

I dunno...now I'm kinda curious about what my cervix looks like! Tee hee! ;)

When I was expecting my 3rd baby, my foolish brother-in-law announced that I was BIGGER THAN A BUS!

Steoffrey said...

HAHAH! All up in my goodies!? I'm dying.

Nancy Face said...

You asked if those hairy legs pictures in my post were really Lauren's legs and my legs...well, the first picture was definitely Lauren's legs! Mine were just as hairy at the time, but my camera just wasn't capturing it. So my hubby volunteered HIS legs, haha! :D

Lizzie & Ty said...

Honestly, I'd rather have the annual exam/pap test over taking any kind of blood test anyday! I know that sounds SO weird but really those dang blood tests I about pass out everytime!