Friday, July 16, 2010

Plea to Father Time

Miss Ruby thinks she's big or somethin'

eats hamburgers,

strategically plays cards,

sits up.
WHAT?! Excuse me?! I did not sign up for this! I signed up for nursing, cuddling, cooing, rocking, and all things associated with babies. BABIES. Not 5 {almost 6 :( } month olds who think they're 5 YEARS old. Where in the contract did it say they would grow up?
So please Father Time....keep my baby a baby for just a liiitttlllleee{lot} longer!


the southern hostess said...

So adorable! Love your blog.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oh no! But she's so darn cute!

Nancy Face said...

Goodness, she's CUTE! :D

justin & mallory coffman said...

Okay, I'm pretty sure your blog could not get ANY cuter!!!! I can't believe how big she is getting! She is the cutest little thing! Can't wait to see you tonight!!